By Daniel Lacalle Source: Mises.org This text was copied from the source above mentioned. All Rights Reserved The so-called Economic Emergency Law announced by the new government in Argentina is simply another massive set of tariffs and burdens on the…
by Ryan McMaken With its latest rate cut, the Fed is either caving to pressure from the Trump administration, or the Fed is admitting the economy is weaker than stated. Or the Fed simply doesn’t know what’s going on. Read…
How old should a monument be to avoid Establishment Clause challenges? Not that old, given the Supreme Court invented the “wall of separation” argument in only 1947. Read more Source: Mises.com This text was copied from the source above mentioned…
by Per Bylund The importance of the division of labor hardly can be exaggerated, and it is also key in understanding the process of capital creation. Read more Source: Mises.org This text was copied from the source above mentioned.
by Alasdair Macleod Emerging-market currencies often suffer a as a result of their government’s own profligacy. But the US is also actively trying to destabilize some currencies, and setting up a conflict that the US could ultimately lose. Last…
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