The triumph of big governmentThe next AfghanistanWhy are the French so grumpy?Housing: don’t shun big landlordsChina’s Communist Party capitalists
| Superapp Hero – Grab group CEO Anthony Tan is taking the superapp company to its next stage, including a planned transformation into a public company and growing its presence in fintech. | Asia’s Power Businesswomen – It’s been nearly…
Newspapers and Magazines – For personal, non-commercial use only. Do not edit, alter or reproduce Democrats face a calamity unless the party can distance itself from the new, new left: leader, page 9. Joe Biden’ssocialspending package is not grand enough to repair the American Dream: briefing, page 16. Democrats suffer arout at the polls, page 26. Virginia’s governorelect: Lexington, page 32 How Xi uses history – He sees it justifying his…
How green bottlenecks threaten the clean energy business A great green investment boom is under way, but supply-side problems are underappreciated As the world economy wakes back up, shortages and price spikes are affecting everything from the supply of Taiwanese chips…
Bouncing Back: A welfare state for the post-covid world After the Depression and the second world war, voters and governments in rich countries recast the relationship between the state and its citizens. Now the pandemic has seen the old rules on…
Restored Corals Spawn Hope for Reefs Worldwide Hanna R. Koch, Erinn Muller, Michael P. Crosby | Feb 1, 2021 Novel technologies establish a new paradigm for global coral reef restoration, with in situ spawning of mature, environmentally resilient corals in…
Many GOP officials see virus relief as a lifeline Acquittal widens divide in GOP As clinics collapse, a rift in trust Biden moves to hard part of reversing Trump legacy Wall Street regulators probe potential misconduct DSDSD
The pandemic – How well will vaccines work? They will not simply eradicate covid-19. Governments need to start thinking about how to live with the virus Business this week Bitcoin surged to a record high, after Tesla revealed that it had bought $1.5bn-worth…
House Democrats end with a warning U.S. debt to exceed GDP for 2nd year Biden vow to reopen most schools poses political test Pace may deny a full reckoning for Trump
– On the cover: The world is facing an upsurge of proliferation. To stop it, nuclear powers need to act: leader, page 9. There has not been a new nuclear state since Who’s next? Briefing, page 16 – The folly…
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